Improved Energy Performance Certificates – RDSAP v9.82

September 20th, 2008 Posted in EPC Comments Off on Improved Energy Performance Certificates – RDSAP v9.82

Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) are due to evolve with improvements being made to the methodology and assessment procedure shortly, RDSAP v9.82. The RDSAP (Reduced Data Standard Assessment Procedure – the government approved standardised system for undertaking an energy survey on an existing dwelling), has always had its limitations as it is a simplified version of the full SAP methodology.

house with plansEnergy Performance Certificates were implemented as part of the Home Information Pack legislation on 1st August 2007 and will also be required as of the 1st October 2008 in the rental market. EPC are now becoming more widely understood and the benefits they bring recognised. However, there has been criticism made about the accuracy of some assessments in certain scenarios due to the inherent limitations of RDSAP to include some less frequently found aspects.

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Commercial Energy Performance Certificates

September 1st, 2008 Posted in EPC, Guest Articles 34 Comments »

Commercial EPCsYou will have heard of the residential Energy Performance Certificates or EPCs that were instituted last year as part of the Home Information Pack legislation, but did you know that there is a Commercial Energy Performance Certificate that is currently being rolled out?

It is easy to assume that because both the residential and commercial EPC share the same name that they are similar entities and require similar surveys or skills, but nothing could be further from the truth. It is best to think of them as cousins, related in history, but separate families.

When is a Commercial Energy Performance Certificate (CEPC) required? You may not have been aware of it, but Commercial EPCs actually began to roll out this year, coming into force from April 2008. Already all non domestic buildings above 2,500 square metres that are being constructed, sold, major renovations or let will require a CEPC.  By 1st October 2008 this will be rolled out to all remaining commercial properties. As always there are exemptions, such as places of worship, buildings scheduled for demolition or temporary buildings. Anyone involved with any non domestic property should seek expert advice as to whether they need one or not, as there are stringent penalties for non compliance.

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Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA) and Home Inspectors numbers updated

August 27th, 2008 Posted in Energy Assessors, EPC, Home Information Packs 23 Comments »

After our recent article,  should i train as a domestic energy assessor? which has received a massive number of comments and strength of feeling within the responses; we have decided to follow this up with the latest announcement by the Government.

The Government periodically announces combined numbers of Domestic Energy Assessors and Home Inspectors and breaks the figures down into the stage they have achieved at the time of reporting. The numbers continue to rise from the last published figures on the 6th March 2008. As of 23rd May 2008 the official numbers are:

Accredited (DEA & HI) – 7,930 (increase of 829 from 6/3/08)
Qualified (DEA & HI) – 1,464 (passed exams and qualified, but not yet become accredited)
Passed exams (DEA & HI) – 4,816
Total (DEA & HI) in system who have passed exams or progressed further – 14,210 (increase of 2,784 from 6/3/08)

It is worth remembering that these figures do not show those that are currently practicing. It is anticipated that both Domestic Energy Assessors and Home Inspectors (whom many have never carried out enough Home Condition Reports even to regain a fraction of the training costs) have left the industry. It is sad that these people have been unable to survive within the industry; often citing a lack of instructions and income as the main defining reason for leaving to find alternative employment.

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Energy price rises anticipated

July 25th, 2008 Posted in Energy Saving, EPC, Financial Products, News 6 Comments »

Energy prices continue to rise and there seems to be no signs of them slowing. Channel 4 News recently reported that an independent report commisioned by Centrica shows that gas prices are set to rise 70% from current costs.

Is this yet another catalyst for consumers to further look at how they utilise their gas and electric supplies to their properties?

Energy prices have surged since Feburary of 2007 and all the customers of the major players British Gas, Npower, EDF, Scottish Power, Scottish and Southern Energy and E.On have had to support big increases in fuel prices.

Certainly at present many households are feeling the ‘credit crunch’ and are often looking at making cost savings that they can make within their current lifestyles . Energy saving and efficiency is becoming a higher priority amongst many; not only looking to compare energy prices within the market place but how they can become more efficient and ultimately use less energy.

So how do we use less and cut our bills?

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Considering training as a domestic energy assessor (DEA)?

July 5th, 2008 Posted in Energy Assessors, Energy Saving, EPC Comments Off on Considering training as a domestic energy assessor (DEA)?

Training as a domestic energy assessor (DEA) may seem like a good opportunity but it is essential to gain a good understanding of the market place prior to entering into the energy assessment field. has develop its services and areas we can provide Home Infomation Packs (HIPS) over a relatively short period. This expansion has been carried out gradually to ensure the continuity of quality remains; and that we do not fall foul of sacrificing customer service which has been key to the high level of customer satisfaction we have achieved. receive enquiries on almost a daily basis from current or potential domestic energy assessors (DEA) as I am sure other organisation will do. The discussion within the industry continues to be one of concern in regard to the current and rising number of DEAs; concerns which mirror. The question which is inevitably asked by prospective DEAs is ‘should I train as a domestic energy assessor?
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Energy Performance Certificate recommendations

June 25th, 2008 Posted in Energy Saving, EPC 3 Comments »

The Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) makes recommendations and this is becoming more widely familiar as the EPBD legislation is becoming further understood and implemented. welcomes the national EPC awareness campaign that is currently running and feel this can only help promote the significance and importance of the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC).

Once the Domestic Energy Assessment has taken place and the Energy Performance Certificate has been issued, for example within the Home Information Pack (HIP); the EPC recommendations are being looked at by the new owners of the related property and are increasingly making improvements based upon this section of the EPC.

Please click image to enlarge.

energy consumption picture

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Landlords will need EPCs to market property

June 18th, 2008 Posted in EPC, Landlords Comments Off on Landlords will need EPCs to market property

Landlords and managing agents are now acting on the EPC requirements of the EPBD legislation ahead of the 1st October. We recently posted about Landlords EPC requirements and wanted to add further information in regard to what counts as marketing a property and what certain scenarios require.

As of the 1st October 2008; when as is usual a letting agent managing agent or landlord produces details for marketing purposes of the property which is being offered for rent it will often consist of information including:

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Landlords EPCs – support with recommendations

June 14th, 2008 Posted in EPC, Landlords 2 Comments » have been providing EPCs for Landlords as the important date of the EPBD legislation nears i.e. 1st October 2008. We have been pleased to be able to help Landlords apply for energy saving grants to act on the recommendations within the Energy Performance Certificates for their rented properties.

Landlords are able to apply for energy efficiency grants/allowances and have been able to since the Landlord’s Energy Saving Allowance (LESA) scheme was introduced on 6th April 2004 and then 2 years later expanded upon. It will be of interest to see if the level of LESA applications rise due to the Energy Performance Certificates that Landlords will soon require and have to make available. See this post for more information for when Landlords must provide EPCs.

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Energy saving tips

June 6th, 2008 Posted in Energy Saving, EPC 2 Comments »

After posting about receiving the email in regard to the lady’s energy saving due to the Energy Performance Certificate; I carried out further research around simple low cost energy saing tips.

There is alot of information out there, our own energy saving tips included. Alot of the advice and information contains similar points.

However, I came accross quite an amusing energy saving tips page at the Energy Saving Centre where one of the tips; tip 23 – is giving children 2p every time they turn the lights off in an empty room.

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Energy saving through the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

June 5th, 2008 Posted in Energy Saving, EPC 5 Comments »

We received an email today from a client telling us about the impact the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) had on their energy consumption and lifestyle.

The client had a domestic energy assessment carried out on their property as part of the Home Information Pack (HIP) process and to cut a long story short decided to take the house off the market and make improvements; some of which were detailed within the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC).

We try and provide resources and information as an addition to undertaking the energy assessment which the client had used. The lady had accessed grants available in her area for both cavity wall insulation and loft insulation. I must add at this point that these can now be applied for by most people whatever your circumstances. There are further details within our main site.

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Domestic energy assessment

June 4th, 2008 Posted in EPC, Home Information Packs 2 Comments »

The domestic energy assessment seems to still hold myths about what is and is not invloved. We receive questions and concerns from owners fairly regularly. So we have written this post to help explain what an Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA) will be looking at during the visit.

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