Energy price rises anticipated

July 25th, 2008 Posted in Energy Saving, EPC, Financial Products, News 6 Comments »

Energy prices continue to rise and there seems to be no signs of them slowing. Channel 4 News recently reported that an independent report commisioned by Centrica shows that gas prices are set to rise 70% from current costs.

Is this yet another catalyst for consumers to further look at how they utilise their gas and electric supplies to their properties?

Energy prices have surged since Feburary of 2007 and all the customers of the major players British Gas, Npower, EDF, Scottish Power, Scottish and Southern Energy and E.On have had to support big increases in fuel prices.

Certainly at present many households are feeling the ‘credit crunch’ and are often looking at making cost savings that they can make within their current lifestyles . Energy saving and efficiency is becoming a higher priority amongst many; not only looking to compare energy prices within the market place but how they can become more efficient and ultimately use less energy.

So how do we use less and cut our bills?

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