How to Give Your Rental Property a Facelift

July 6th, 2013 Posted in Insurance, Landlords Comments Off on How to Give Your Rental Property a Facelift

Tenancies can start to seem fleeting through the eyes of a seasoned landlord, but it’s important to remember that your prospective tenants are looking for their next home, so they will apply the same critical eye as any buyer would. Read the rest of this entry »

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Mortgage Options For When In Negative Equity

March 1st, 2013 Posted in Mortgages Comments Off on Mortgage Options For When In Negative Equity

Negative equity can be the scariest phrase to any individual, especially when he or she has a huge outstanding mortgage. So, what exactly constitutes negative equity? Negative equity is the condition where an individual’s home has a lower value when compared to the outstanding mortgage that they have left to address. It goes without saying that negative equity only holds good for those with ownership over property.

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Initial Costs to Plan for when Buying a New Home?

February 25th, 2013 Posted in Mortgages, Property Market Comments Off on Initial Costs to Plan for when Buying a New Home?

If you’re about to make one of the biggest investments of your life – buying a home – it is crucial that you have looked into every possible cost that you could be presented with. You may feel as though you can comfortably afford your mortgage, but have you taken into account all of those additional costs, such as stamp duty, solicitor fees and on-going monthly payments of various insurances?

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Financial Costs Involved when Moving Home

January 23rd, 2013 Posted in Mortgages, Property Market 1 Comment »

If you’re about to buy a new home it is essential that you have assessed every aspect of the sale and the costs that will be involved with it. Regardless of whether you’ve moved home many times or this is your first time, checking off what costs you are going to meet is vital in ensuring you aren’t left out of pocket before you’ve even moved into your new home.

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10 ways you can help your child buy their first property

January 23rd, 2013 Posted in Mortgages, Press Releases, Property Market Comments Off on 10 ways you can help your child buy their first property

Recent research by the Institute for Public Policy Research shows that most young people are suffering self-esteem issues from their inability to enter the housing market, their decisions in life about work, love and family are all being affected.

The fact is the many first time buyers are over 35 years old and over half of university graduates (53%) cannot afford to buy their own home.

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Downsizing? How to live large in a small space

December 11th, 2012 Posted in Guest Articles, Mortgages 1 Comment »

Looking around my in-laws’ family home, it was hard to know where to start. Decisions as to whether to keep, throw or consign to storage had to be made on every single treasured item collected over the past forty years.

With three empty bedrooms and an unruly garden on their hands, their decision to downsize made perfect sense. Yet the reality of squeezing the contents of an entire family home into a lovely (but far smaller) bungalow was starting to hit.

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An Essential Guide to Buildings’ Insurance

December 10th, 2012 Posted in Insurance, Top Tips Comments Off on An Essential Guide to Buildings’ Insurance

Have you ever considered what would happen if your home was destroyed in a flood or fire? Would you have enough money to build your home back to its original state? As much as thinking about worst-case scenarios is often something we put to the back of our mind, by being prepared with buildings’ insurance for such disasters it could save you a lot of money and heartache in the future.

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Spotting Cracks in Your Home & How to Treat Them

November 29th, 2012 Posted in Home Improvements, Insurance Comments Off on Spotting Cracks in Your Home & How to Treat Them

They appear in almost every home at some point or other, and if your house is a new build, you’ve probably noticed quite a few. But do you know the natural cracks caused by the slight movement of your home from the cracks that mean there could be a more significant problem than you first thought? In a lot of cases cracks become part of the furniture until you decide to decorate again, but by being able to identify and treat cracks, you could get to the root of the problem before it becomes anything more serious.

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Report asks landlords – Do you trust your tenants?

November 8th, 2012 Posted in Insurance, Landlords Comments Off on Report asks landlords – Do you trust your tenants?

Many would argue that for landlords, if you want to have peace of mind. We thought that we’d therefore conduct an investigation into the how trusting the relationships between landlords and tenants are.

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Do We Really Need a House Phone?

October 11th, 2012 Posted in Financial Products, Home Improvements 1 Comment »

In a week when the new I phone 5 was unveiled it proved a timely reminder that the house phone is becoming ever more superfluous. Almost everyone now carries a mobile phone and with smart phones they can do just about everything but cook your dinner! The final nail in the coffin for the landline seemed to come this year when statistics confirmed that texting is now the most popular form of communication ahead of actually ringing.

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Start Dealing with Debt Today

September 26th, 2012 Posted in Financial Products, Legal Comments Off on Start Dealing with Debt Today

Being in debt can be one of the most frightening experiences there is. If you’re in debt you can end that fear – right now. Not tomorrow, not next week, not ‘when I get a chance,’ – literally in the next few minutes. Being in debt can mean a future full of uncertainty and worry so understanding how to start tackling debt can end all that and put you on the road to a debt-free life.

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