Types of Mortgages: What you must know

When it comes to financing a home, understanding the different types of mortgages is essential. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or a seasoned homeowner, the choices you make can significantly impact your financial well-being. In this introductory section, we’ll delve into the world of mortgages, unraveling their complexities and shedding light on the options available to you. So, grab your metaphorical magnifying glass, and let’s begin our journey.

1. Capital Repayment Mortgages

What is a Capital Repayment Mortgage?

A capital repayment mortgage is a type of home loan where you gradually pay off both the principal amount (the actual borrowed sum) and the interest over the mortgage term. Here’s how it works:

  1. Monthly Payments: Each month, you make regular payments that cover both the interest charged by the lender and a portion of the principal.
  2. Gradual Reduction: With each payment, you chip away at your mortgage debt, slowly decreasing the outstanding balance.
  3. Interest vs. Capital: Initially, more of your payment goes toward interest, but as the debt decreases, more goes toward paying off the capital.

Example Scenario

Let’s say you take out a capital repayment mortgage with a 25-year term. You borrow £200,000 at an interest rate of 3.5%. Here’s how your payments might look over the years:

YearInterest PaidCapital PaidMortgage Balance

Remember, your monthly cost remains constant unless you choose to remortgage later. Capital repayment mortgages typically span 5 to 40 years, but many borrowers opt for a 25-year term.

So, whether you’re a first-time buyer or refinancing, understanding capital repayment mortgages is essential for making informed decisions about your home financing! 🏠💡

A capital repayment mortgage is the most straightforward type. Here’s how it operates:

  1. Monthly Payments: You make regular monthly payments to your lender.
  2. Interest and Principal: Each payment covers both the interest accrued and a portion of the actual debt (the principal).
  3. Gradual Reduction: Over time, your outstanding balance decreases until you’ve paid off the entire mortgage.


  • Ownership: At the end of the term, you fully own your home.
  • Stability: Predictable payments make budgeting easier.


  • Early Years: Initially, most payments go toward interest, so the principal reduction is slower.
  • Interest Accumulation: Less interest accrues as the debt decreases.

2. Interest-Only Mortgages

What Is an Interest-Only Mortgage?

An interest-only mortgage is a type of home loan where your monthly payments cover only the interest charges on the borrowed amount, not the original capital. Here’s how it works:

  1. Lower Monthly Payments: With an interest-only mortgage, your monthly payments are significantly lower compared to a repayment mortgage.
  2. Debt at the End: However, at the end of the mortgage term, you still owe the full loan amount (the original capital) to the lender.
  3. Repayment Vehicle: To repay this debt, you typically need a repayment vehicle—a separate investment or savings plan. This could be an endowment policy, ISA, or other means.

Advantages of Interest-Only Mortgages:

  1. Affordability: Smaller monthly instalments make it more manageable for some borrowers.
  2. Buy-to-Let Owners: Landlords often use interest-only mortgages for buy-to-let properties, using rental income to cover costs and repay the capital later.

Remember, while interest-only mortgages offer affordability, planning for the capital repayment is crucial. Consult a financial advisor to explore whether this option aligns with your long-term goals!

How They Work

Interest-only mortgages take a different approach:

  1. Interest Payments Only: You pay only the interest during the mortgage term.
  2. Principal Unchanged: The borrowed amount remains the same.
  3. Full Repayment: At the end of the mortgage, you must repay the entire principal.


  • Lower Monthly Payments: Since you’re not repaying the principal, your monthly payments are lower.
  • Investment Opportunity: You can invest the difference between interest-only and capital repayment payments.


  • Risk: You need a credible plan to repay the principal (e.g., investments, savings, or other assets).
  • Limited Availability: Interest-only mortgages are less common nowadays.

3. Part and Part Mortgages

Certainly! Let’s explore the concept of Part and Part Mortgages in the UK.

What Is a Part and Part Mortgage?

A part and part mortgage combines elements of both repayment and interest-only mortgages. Here’s how it works:

  1. Hybrid Approach: With a part and part mortgage, you pay off some of your mortgage as you go, but not all of it. At the end of the mortgage term, there will still be some money left to pay off.
  2. Middle Ground: It’s a middle-ground option between full repayment mortgages and interest-only mortgages.
  3. Flexible Structure: The specifics vary, but most lenders have maximum amounts that can be interest-only, often tied to the loan-to-value ratio (LTV) of your mortgage.

Benefits of Part and Part Mortgages:

  • Lower Monthly Payments: Part and part mortgages offer lower monthly payments than full repayment mortgages.
  • Less Capital at the End: Unlike interest-only mortgages, you’ll still pay back some capital at the end, making it a balanced choice.
  • Tailored to Your Needs: You can discuss the split between capital and interest with your lender based on your specific circumstances.

Repayment Strategy and Flexibility

  • Repayment Strategy: Just like with interest-only mortgages, you’ll need a plan to pay back the remaining capital at the end.
  • Switching Options: If your situation changes, you can switch to a full repayment mortgage. Keep in mind that this means higher monthly payments due to the shorter repayment period.

Use our mortgage calculator to explore part and part mortgage repayments. Remember, planning ahead is key

How They Work

Part and part mortgages strike a balance:

  1. Combination Approach: You pay part of the debt (capital repayment) and cover the interest (interest-only).
  2. Flexibility: Customize the split based on your needs.


  • Flexibility: Allows a balance between repayment and lower initial payments.
  • Customization: Tailor the split based on your financial situation.


  • Complexity: Requires careful planning and understanding.
  • Availability: Less common than the other types.


Choosing the right mortgage depends on your financial goals, risk tolerance, and circumstances. Consult a financial advisor to make an informed decision. Remember, your home is more than just a property—it’s where memories are made and dreams take root.

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